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The Wolves Theatre company was set up to show that mature artists can be original, pertinent, and viable.


We only produce new Australian Theatre, and if it wasn’t for Covid we would have had four new plays touring. But despite Covid we are now back on the road with two plays, Marooned and The Magnolia Tree, with two more plays due soon.


And let me make it clear, we are NOT after your support like a charity. Instead we are wanting to entertain you with our particular brand of theatre.


Our plays are aimed predominantly at the 45 plus demographic, which is our demographic, we never preach, we don’t do "jokes" although the plays are all full of humour, and we don’t force feed you. We instead attempt to tell you a story that will move you so deeply that you will have an experience great enough that you will come back to see our other shows and tell your friends as well.

This simple philosophy has worked so well that we now pay all our actors award wages and the company is self-sufficient. We will never say no to a grant but we can survive without them.


We are dependent instead on audiences. You are our bread and butter.


You have allowed us to become a repertory company.



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